Bringing toys to real life.....not.
9 August 2009
I'm no GI Joe guru or fanatic and never had any of the toys but I have to say I was looking forward to this movie without ever expecting it to be anything special. After seeing 'GI Joe' I have to describe it as a little bit disappointing and seemingly pointless (other than perhaps as a money spinner). The film was watchable for the most part but devoid of any real emotion or suspense (and not without trying).

Taking a children's action figure and making a real life film out of it might be a good idea, but still presenting those characters on screen as two dimensional toys devoid of any real depth or character should not have have been (and probably wasn't) the idea. The film contains so much CGI and animation that I watched it wondering why they hadn't just done the whole thing in computer animation, including the characters.

It's yet another example of a film and possibly director who doesn't seem to understand how so much more of something, too much in fact can really add up to less at the finish line. It's full of action, action and more action, but on such a scope and scale as to overdo it. It is concentrated on the fantastical and illogical (including the technology) to the point of absurdity in places and as a result it lacks many of the other things it required to really make the grade.

It's not short of inspiration from a few other movie scenes either and more than once I was reminded of seeing a very similar scene in a different movie. This project had plenty of merit but I must suggest it ended up in the hands of the wrong guy. I will say that my boy loved it and gave it 10/10 so it will undoubtedly appeal to a much younger audience, younger than it's rating I suggest, a kids movie but with plenty of violence. I wouldn't tell anyone to avoid it at all costs, but if you happen to miss it you've not missed a whole lot; a shame really.
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