G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987 Video)
Yo Joe! Repeat 80 times.
10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I strongly admire the ambition of 'G.I. Joe: The Movie' from 1987. As 2-D as it was, modeled after the same quality of the TV show, it absolutely yearned to be more than what it was. I grew up on three toys/cartoon series: Transformers, He-Man and G.I. Joe. So, it was a nice refresher to see this big-screen adaptation again. Unfortunately, watching as an adult for the first time (and I must've seen it 3 dozen times as a kid) I can see the truth in critics/parents calling this simply an "advertisement." Oh, it sure was. They prove that with 5 new Joes they let loose, not to mention a lot of new Cobra baddies, a lot of vehicles and sets to buy (NOW!) The main idea revolves around the break-down of Cobra under Cobra Commander's leadership and their new backing of an ancient evil of Cobra-La whose intention is, no doubt, world-domination and the equally dysfunctional Joe team to stop them. Will the Joes work together to defeat the organic enemies? Obviously. But, knowing is always half the battle. It's truly amazing both teams, good and bad, can actually work together to solve any problem, but that's the message about teamwork and individuality that saves the day. Unfortunately, the movie solely relies on sales and models from the year's before theatrical release of 'Transformers: The Movie' which, was so similarly based, they used some of the same music scores – cheap tatics. Still, it had one up on the cartoon feature length of 'Transformers': it didn't feel the need to kill off multiple characters (as 'Transformers' did) in order to introduce a new line of toys. Nevertheless, despite its extremely low production quality (even for 1987) it was enjoyable, especially for those who grew up on the TV series.
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