At their best!
11 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This episode started on a sombre note. The Borg were back. A Federation Outpost confirmed this and the Enterprise has an Admiral and a hotshot Lieutenant Commander with her eye on Riker's job on board as he has been offered his own command. To add insult to injury, she is in no way affected by Riker's usual charm and even sees through Riker's bluff at a poker game. The slow, and atmospheric build up in this is fantastic. The Borg are eventually encountered and their interests have changed. They order Picard to beam to their ship or they will destroy the Enterprise. Eventually he is abducted and Riker is thrown in at the deep end and put in command of Enterprise. His decisions at the onset are uncertain and is eventually able to mount a rescue plan, only to be thwarted by the Borg. When the away team return to the ship a new Borg Locutus, formerly Jean Luc Picard appears on screen and orders Riker to surrender, forcing him to make the ultimate decision, ending in one of Trek's best cliffhangers ever. Trivia fans should know George Murdock actor who played Admiral Hanson previously played Dr.Wilker in Battlestar Galactica and Elizabeth Dennehy is the daughter of actor Brian Dennehy and was my favourite to head up the Voyager cast....
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