Bio-Dead (2009 TV Movie)
Like a bad film school project
21 August 2009
It's too bad that "Mystery Science Theater 3000" is no longer in production, because "Bio Dead" would have had top billing. The only decent thing about this movie is the premise, which has a rescue team searching for survivors in the aftermath of an apocalyptic biological weapons attack on Los Angeles. *Everything* else -- the acting, the script, the special effects -- is so embarrassingly shoddy that it's hard to imagine how this movie was able to even achieve distribution on video-on-demand. Even the sound is badly done: mood music frequently drowns out the dialogue, people's voices randomly cut in and out as if the boom mike were malfunctioning, and the roar of traffic in supposedly depopulated LA is clearly audible in the outdoor scenes.

These sins might be forgivable if "Bio Dead" had a halfway engaging storyline or some interesting plot twists, but the plot itself is all but nonexistent. It's essentially an hour and a half of guys in Hazmat suits being chased around an empty office building by the ghoul from "Nosferatu" and getting tortured and murdered in various ways. That's it. Nothing is explained, nothing is revealed. It's a completely spoiler-free movie, which is generally not a desirable characteristic in the horror and suspense genres.

If, for some reason, you are absolutely intent on seeing "Bio Dead," make sure somebody else is paying.
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