Nobody's Fool (1994)
Sorry but this is tripe
7 September 2009
I hate to be the one to tell you but this film is the sort of crap that Hollywood thinks is a film about "real" people ie the working class. And maybe the book, which I've not read, is about a real working class town but the film they made from it is so predictable, so covered in self-congratulatory ooze about its curmudgeonly hero and so bathed in hero-worship for Paul Newman that it becomes a Hallmark Hall of Fame special. And I like Paul. And his performance is fine but the whimsy is leaden and the "quirkiness" of the characters weighs you down with its lack of invention. For example: Has Pruitt Taylor Vince taken a patent out on his slobby slow sidekick who aches with human feeling. (see Heavy). Don't get me wrong (I'm sure you will anyway)...this is a well-made Hollywood product with good performances by all (I even thought Melanie Griffith was half-way believable) but the whole construct is made by cynical minds who want to neuter the people of this town with a treacly gloss that would have embarrassed Frank Capra. We all want to honor the memory of Paul Newman but this film is a poor memorial. Frankly I find it depressing that so many people thought this was a good film. TV has rotted your brain, people. Now go watch Hud as penance.
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