Review of Off the Record

OBrien and Blondell try to keep kid out of trouble
8 September 2009
Joan Blondell stars as Jane Morgan in this short, 62 minute Warner Brothers story of old time newspaper reporters. Mickey Fallon ( Bobby Jordan ) loses his parents and is now under the dubious care of his older brother Joe ( Alan Baxter ), who is in the rackets. Jane sees Mickey getting involved in this, and tries to convince "Breezy" ( Pat OBrien ) to let her write a story on it... Of course, no-one takes her seriously, so she mentions it in her column, and now everyone in town wants to get involved. Breezy and Jane must keep an eye on Mickey to keep him from getting back in the rackets. There isn't really time to develop any real, in-depth plot, so things move right along. Jordan was one of the original kids in the "Dead End" films. Blondell and OBrien had both been in Hollywood for ten years, so they were experienced actors by this time. (My favorite J Blondell film would have to be Desk Set... you gotta see it if you haven't already...) Directed by James Flood, who had spent his first ten years working on silent films. Good way to kill an hour, but don't expect a lot.
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