Decent B Movie
12 September 2009
Off the Record (1939)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A reporter (Joan Blondell) does a story about mobsters hiring kids to guard various gambling rackets, which sets off a fire storm that gets one kid's (Bobby Jordan) brother thrown into jail. The kid, in return, gets sent to reform school, which causes the reporter to feel bad so she marries her editor (Pat O'Brien) so that they can adopt the kid. This Warner "B" film tries to mix various genres but as you can tell, it's basically THE FRONT PAGE meets any gangster period from that era mixed in with an East Side Kids type drama. Jordan, a veteran of the child group, does a pretty good job in his role, although his more emotional scenes don't come off too well. It's the cast that makes this thing worth viewing as Blondell and O'Brien offer up great performances and really deliver the goods. The two have great chemistry together as their comic timing is perfect. Both also share quite a few good scenes with the young Jordan. The movie runs a fast paced 71-minutes, which flows by for the first hour but then loses a bit of steam as we get a silly and predictable side plot dealing with the kid's brother wanting help to break out of prison. This all leads to a predictable conclusion but fans of the "B" genre will get a kick out of the film due to its cast. Fans of them will want to check this out but others can stay clear.
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