A Dumb Movie, Perfect as a Sequel to Another Dumb Movie
27 September 2009
The crew from "Evil Bong" have come down with exaggerated symptoms of marijuana use: the munchies, sleepiness and lowered inhibitions. But the bong is destroyed... what to do? Well, why not track it down to its source and eradicate the evil once and for all?

I'm not going to lie: the first "Evil Bong" was stupid, but I still really enjoyed it. It had a good pace, plenty of humor, gorgeous women and some decent cameos from Tommy Chong and Bill Moseley. So, all in all, it was a decent film by Full Moon standards. With that in mind, I felt "Evil Bong 2" had potential...

Well, it does alright, but comes up a bit short. The effects are even more poor (though the fat suit looks cool). There are still hot girls (Amy Paffrath as Velicity, Robin Sydney as Luann and the Poon-Tang Tribe). But no cameos, and once you cut out the credits and introduction, the film is maybe only an hour long. The "king bong" is not really much of an adversary. Perhaps Full Moon should consider doing a film of the week on television? Or a 13 episode series for Showtime or something.

If you like "Evil Bong" check this out. If not, avoid it. It's not even really a horror film -- no gore, no blood, no real monsters or killers (no one dies). I hope that an "Evil Bong 3" isn't made, but if it is... well, maybe that will help regain this franchise's momentum.
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