See for trivia-value only
13 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: Paolo, in his older teenage years, is one of the most feared young men in Sweden. Well known by the police, and already with several arrests behind him, his life centers around hanging around Kungsan and the violence he can find there. Rivaling gangs frequently fight it out, and otherwise Paolo steals, robs and beats up people just for the adrenalin rush. There he starts a feud with a young man just like him, Mange. His way of life put him at odds with his family and Paolo starts to struggle with his own identity and everyone's expectations on him.

Comments: Not the very best movie, but has some interesting points, mostly in the trivia department. Supposedly this movie was intended as a movie shown in school to deter kids from fighting, and it shows. The acting is poor, the story even worse and the fights are rather ridiculous. Ironically the movie supposedly inspired kids to fight more, opposite to the intention.

Nowadays it is mostly funny because it is very much influenced by its time. In the 46 minutes it runs you get a lifetime dosage of 80s hair and clothes. Also the slang used seems rather ridiculous now.

It is also interesting in the way that Paolo actually plays himself and the story is supposed to be based on real events in his young life. Paolo (now a retired boxer, and TV-show host) was indeed one of the most feared troubled and violent youths. Also his main opponent in the movie, Mange, played by Liam Norberg was also convicted a few years later for one of the biggest robberies in Sweden to date. The movie was also controversial for giving screen time to what common people regarded as criminals.

In addition, the narrator is Quincy Jones III, in an acting and singing role long before he got known for producing music. He has since produced music for artists but also directly to TV and movies. For those familiar with the Swedish scene will probably recognize a young Karl Dyall.

As such Stockholmsnatt should be viewed as a trivia experience only, because it lacks far too much to compete with real movies. However, because of the trivia and since it is comparatively short, it is fun to have seen.

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