X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009 Video Game)
Just a ridiculous amount of fun. (X-Box 360 Version)
16 October 2009
It is a pretty interesting situation this game has... the movie (which I actually have not yet seen, so am not going to judge) received very mixed reception, whereas the movie tie-in, which in general are notorious for being thrown together quickly to be released in time for the movie, seems to be receiving unanimous acclaim. After playing it, it's really not that hard to see why. In the first minute of the game you will realise, this was not a game made for the Wolverine movie, this is a game made from the Wolverine character. You will dismember, disembowel, be-head and just cause a large amount of pain all around on your travels through the game. There is enough blood and gore to satisfy the most "hardcore" of Wolverine fans. I'm not one of the people who thinks adding gore is a good way to cover up a game's flaws, but in this case, it is. There are plenty of flaws, but most of the game you will be too absorbed in the coolness of it all to care.

Words can not describe how satisfying it is to slice your way through mass amounts of bad guys in so many different ways. Want your enemies blended? You can do that. Want to pop of an enemy's head like a pimple? It's gonna happen. It's just a game that gives you a great sense of power. Great for those of us who have a bit of low self esteem! Forget drinking your problems away, slice them away through Wolvie! (Remember people, violence may be fun in video games, but it is never cool in real life... so don't be a fool. The More You Know). And this sense of power is evident from the start... wait until you really start to level up! The amount of power you have can sometimes make the game a little easy, and the automatic healing ability helps a lot as well, but there are still some pretty challenging parts and as I have said before (and I can not stress this enough) the GAME IS FUN! When I was playing it, I wasn't thinking "This is too easy," I was thinking "This is too cool!

From a technical point of view, the game is really nothing special... there are little bugs around, like amazing disappearing and reappearing clothed... apparently Wolverine can regenerate a singlet, but it will take him a lot longer than actual skin. The graphics are also nothing special, except in the major cut-scenes in which they were amazing. There were a lot of video game clichés, like platforms that move for no apparent reason and stuff like that. The game's story is nothing fantastic, jumping back and forth a little, but it contained enough fan-service to keep me entertained. Another thing that added to the quality of the game was the voice acting, which was very well done, and I felt Hugh Jackman sounded more like Wolverine in the game than he did in the movie (not that I don't love him in the movies). Also, the controls in the game are very easy and will become intuitive after just a short time of playing.

Apparently a sequel to the movie has been green-lit... as I have not seen the movie, I don't know whether I'm excited or not. One thing I do know is that I desperately hope that Raven decides to do the tie-in game for that as well, so the nerdy heart may smile again.
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