The Vampire Diaries: Family Ties (2009)
Season 1, Episode 4
What's so special about this Bella girl? Edward's so whipped...
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Good opening scene (even though it *was* just a dream/nightmare). I really liked the shot of Elena being silhouetted, with the light shining behind her, as she looked down the steps. Wasn't expecting it to be Stefan's nightmare, but I'm glad it was, as it allowed for one of Damon's many jokes/funny lines this episode. His, "You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field. Football reference! Too soon?" (referring to that coach I hated who he killed last episode) was amusing. I don't like that he framed a mountain lion, though (especially considering we later learn it was shot and killed. Poor mountain lion!). Damon and his miming of the newspaper headlines being laid out as he said them almost made up for it, however (especially how he drew out the word 'Falls' when he said 'Deadly Beast Captured. All's Well In Mystic Falls'). I don't know why he had to remind Stefan that he's staying in Mystic Falls/why he's staying (didn't he already reveal that previously?). I liked Stefan tossing the letter opener at Damon's chest and Damon being so casual about it (and returning the favour). I also liked Damon's "This is John Varvatos, dude. Dick move." line too.

I couldn't care less about the stuff involving Elena's druggie brother or her aunt's ex, but Elena and Stefan's scene was at least watchable/good, as was the next scene with Damon and Caroline. I actually really enjoy their scenes together. Yes, she's annoying/irritating (one can sympathise with Damon there), but she's now amusingly so (whereas, in the 'Pilot', I'd just found her annoying...and not in a 'funny' way). His reading one of the Twilight novels and bitching about it was amusing. I know his and Caroline's 'relationship' is the farthest thing from 'healthy' as can be...but his attitude towards her makes for fun viewing. Especially effective is how he can be so casual about answering her question in regards to whether or not he's going to kill her. It's kind of creepy, but she just goes along with it (his controlling her/hold over her explains this). Really good scene.

Another good scene was Damon and Zach (and Stefan). When Zach led Stefan down, down, down...and down into his stash of Vervain...I did wonder if it was ever going to end. So many doors! Since I'm only talking about the *good* scenes of the episode, I'll skip right over the stuff involving Vicki and her jock boyfriend and his snobbish parents. Actually worth talking about is the next Stefan/Damon scene we get (they don't have a *bad* scene together at all this episode). Wesley and Somerhalder play off each other really well. The actors seem completely comfortable in their roles and their brotherly chemistry/animosity totally comes across on screen. It was a great moment when Damon poured out the drink - that Stefan had spiked - onto the floor. His having to "go to the party angry. Who knows what I'll do?" threat was good as well. I also liked Stefan telling Zach that he'd planned on his trick not working, and that it was intended to lower Damon's defenses so that he could try again so soon after. Good thinking, Stefan.

I liked the detail of both Damon and Stefan being forced to pause at the entrance to the party until they both got their invites in. It would be funny to see their reactions/what would happen if someone hadn't spoken the words "come on in" or whatever. I liked the scene between the four characters (and then between just Damon and Elena), with Damon revealing bits and pieces about his and Stefan's history (as well as Katherine's), while not quite coming right out and saying to Elena that he wasn't talking about his ancestors, but was in fact referring to himself and Stefan. I think it goes without saying that ALL the scenes between these four (and the two pairs when they split) were really good. I rather liked (in a morbid kind of way) Damon's nasty/fed-up tone when he said to Caroline "Don't talk, please." (after she commented on how "cute" Elena/Stefan were). Another good bit was how Elena/Stefan's dancing slowly built up into them having a fight of sorts - that's how they happen quite often. Such a little thing kick-starts it all off, and then it just escalates until Elena storms off (after they'd been so happily dancing in peace not one moment ago). Elena did make some good points, though, and I can understand Stefan's constant avoidance of her questions starting to wear thin for her.

I really liked the scene with Damon and Caroline and his "stealing" a mysterious crystal he'd put in the room (wonder what it's for?), followed by Elena discovering Caroline's bite marks, then standing up for her friend and telling off Damon, then going to apologise to Stefan. By the way, I liked the distance shot of Stefan standing in front of the fountain. This episode was really well-directed, it must be said. Especially well-done was the scene with Damon roughly leading Caroline away. How he can switch on a dime with her, from seemingly being into her to suddenly being "over her" was very unnerving/effective. I actually could buy that he was going to kill her in that moment...but quick-thinking Stefan was several steps ahead of his brother, luckily.

I'm not sure how I feel about the reveal at the end of this episode with the parents of the various characters (plus that "Scum ball/bucket" guy from Jenna's past) being this group who know what the real deal is with the Salvatore brothers. I'm not overly fond of this development at the moment...but will wait to see how it plays out. I liked Stefan getting the upper hand against Damon for once...though you *know* it's not going to last for very long. Really good episode this week. Well done, show! Keep the good episodes coming!
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