Trying to find out who wrote the background music for the mall scene
3 November 2009
I am trying to find out who did the music for this show, which I have just watched. The background music for the mall scene is a nice bossa, with some "Bob James"-type chording, and I would like to get a copy of it. The show as a whole was actually quite good, as modius pointed-out. I enjoyed seeing Jackie and Sammo together, and both in their youth! The kung-fu of these two, and the swordplay of the girls, is just really amazing. Anyone who has studied martial arts at all can appreciate the skill and precision evidenced by these actors, most of whom hold upper belts in various styles. My main concentration, for this note is, however, still finding out who did the music for the show, or at least, who wrote the mall scene background music. I really liked it, and would like to get a copy of it. Anyone have any ideas on how to find it?
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