The accumulation of my greatest fear and my fondest wish
15 November 2009
So, the Wedding Singer is a new personal favorite of mine after I saw it for the first time this weekend. It followed the typical Adam Sandler film: the main character is introduced, his world comes crashing down around him, he meets a love interest, has a new found purpose in life, misunderstanding between him and love interest, world comes crashing down around him again, he redeems himself somehow, happy ending /Sandler Movie. At the same time, this movie hit a special chord with me. I didn't laugh particularly hard at it (though it was funny) and the acting/writing wasn't all that stellar. Heck, I'm not even a huge fan of 80's music. I did, though, see a lot of parallels between myself and the Robby character, and I think, in some strange way, the movie was a dramatization of my greatest fear (being left at the alter at my wedding by my bride to be) and my fondest wish (finding the special someone).

This film had what a lot of other Sandler films lack: heart. There was no shortage of heart in this film. This is a character that tried to make a decent living and tried his best to make the people in his life, whether they were family, friends, or clients, happy. He gave music lessons to old women for meatballs. He looked out for wedding patrons that weren't having a good time. Most of all, though, music was the passion of his life.

Of course, though, it wasn't without the usual Sandler film traits: random cameos, people hurting themselves, douche-bag antagonists, and of course, an adorable love interest; but it's still a film worth viewing at least once.
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