Oh, Spanish art-house horror!
23 November 2009
I am working my way through the Chilling Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection and BELL FROM HELL (La campana del infierno)is the sixth movie in the set. Released in 1973, BELL FROM HELL is the next movie after SCREAM BLOODY MURDER in the collection; and, continues in the same vein, albeit this one is a Spanish production the latter an American production.

Juan, a James Morrison (The Doors) look-alike, is released after many years from a mental institution after his aunt had him committed, so she could take his inheritance. He arrives back home, with plans of revenge!

This DVD print has horribly muddied dialog. However, the rest of the sound is all right. I can't figure it out. Actually, it is quite maddening.

Well that goes as much for the film itself! The film makes absolutely no sense at all. It is full of disjointed images barely held together by an insubstantial plot. That Juan kid has some good gags, though!

Art-house horror or not, the BELL FROM HELL just annoyed me!
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