Mary Poppins (1964)
So says Sir Anthony Hopkins
27 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone on this board has already lauded the many splendors of this movie, so that would be a waste of time. But I wanted to add this one comment since so many people were dissing Dick Van Dyke's accent--admittedly not authentic. Once years ago, I was watching some program and Anthony Hopkins was on, talking about acting. He cited Van Dyke's performance in Mary Poppins as an example of someone who could do almost anything superbly. He said, who cares about the accent when you can sing, dance and act like that? If someone like Hopkins who is one of the greatest actors of our time can see past the one teensy flaw in this multi-talented man's performance--for which I've always held he should have been nominated for an Oscar--how about the rest of us stopping obsessing over it? Few performers have such magnificent body movement as Van Dyke who is constantly engaged. And let's not forget he played the elder Mr. Dawes and even the children in the film with him didn't know who he was. Bravo, Dick! You can murder an accent for me any day!
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