Love, this is my song
28 November 2009
"Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss" is a small 1998 film about a gay photographer (Sean P. Hayes) who falls for a young Brad Pitt/Robert Redford type waiter named Gabriel (Brad Rowe) but isn't sure if he's gay, straight, or undecided. Billy's looking for love in all the wrong places - a boyfriend committed to someone else is his latest. He uses Gabriel as a model for some of his photographs, which are re-enactments of famous movie scenes, and tries to figure out where he stands.

There are some nice performances and neat touches in this film, including some fun drag numbers by Mr. Dan and Billy's dream sequences. The best scene in the film is a bed scene between Billy and Gabriel, strictly PG-13, that says more than pages of dialogue ever could.

The late Paul Bartel plays an older, successful photographer, and Days of Our Lives fans will recognize Matthew Ashford as his boyfriend. Everyone is very good - for me, the beginning seemed a little stilted, but that faded quickly.

I was interested in reading some of the reviews on IMDb that for some, this film was somewhat of a revelation about gay life and gay people. As I have many gay friends and am not a kid, it wasn't for me. It's nice though that people see Billy as a lonely person without a ton of self-esteem who'd like to make a real love connection - in other words, just a human being.
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