Mousehunt (1997)
Energetic, fun and highly inventive- the mouse steals the show
11 December 2009
Mousehunt was a very energetic, fun and highly inventive comedy. I just worry however that some of the darker moments might scare younger children and maybe not for those with a phobia of rodents and also one or two of the gags are a tad too obvious. However, it is a very entertaining family film. The plot tells of two brothers who inherits a large house only to find it is already occupied by a pesky mouse. The script is often hilarious, and there is plenty of Laurel and Hardy-like visual flair to suffice the entertainment value. There are some nice sets and costumes. And the performances are great. While I am not that fond of Lee Evans, both he and Nathan Lane give stellar performances as the hapless brothers, and you can see clever nods to Laurel and Hardy. Then there is Christopher Walken's hilarious turn as the exterminator, but of course it is the mouse who steals the show. Very cute, intelligent and funny for a rodent.

All in all, great film. Maybe not for everyone, but essentially it is lots of fun. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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