Surprisingly,fairly funny little comedy. Arnett and Forte,provide a strong Comedy team.
30 December 2009
I don't have much background info,on Will Artnett,or Will Forte. That being said,I managed to laugh quite a bit during this film,it's wonderfully moronic,while being hilarious at the same time. The stupid things they do,like seeing each other naked in the shower,or the way they talk,we all just can't help but laugh at it. The whole idea is absolutely absurd. Having John and Dean learn to be father's,while being completely incompetent,is certainly out there. But they managed to make it quite amusing,so that was pretty impressive. It's quite crude at times,but never too crude,to where it turns the viewer off,like Bruno ,persay. The Brothers Solomon isn't gonna make your world spin,it won't become one of your favorite comedies of all time either,but it will brighten up your day,it will take a load off,and provide you with some much needed laughs.

Performances. Will Arnett&Will Forte are both very funny,very likable. They make an excellent comedy team,that we can all like. Here's hoping,we get to see them again,sometime soon. Chi McBride is a funny character actor,and here is no different. Kristen Wiig does her job well,I quite liked her,even if she was bitchy at some points. Malin Akerman had a snobby written role,but who cares when you look like she does?. Rest of the cast are fine.

Bottom Line. This is a fun little comedy. It has laughs,spirit,and most importantly it's fun to watch. Worth the watch

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