Review of Shottas

Shottas (2002)
Noisy, obnoxious action trash
3 January 2010
The most impressive thing about "Shottas" is the nerve the promoters of this tacky cheapo had, when comparing it to the likes of "City of God," and "Scarface." Technically speaking, "Shottas" is fine, but the total lack of character development destroys this one. A bunch of unsympathetic Jamaican murderers run around Jamaica shooting other drug dealers. Then they go to Miami and shoot some more drug dealing murderers. Unfortunately, nobody cares who dies, because there are no decent guys, or loyal friends, just a bunch of scumbags shooting each other. There is not even a female character to sympathize with; every woman in this trash is a cheap whore who will screw any gangster with a Rolex and a gun. Seemingly penned by a 10 year old, this is insulting garbage of the worst kind. Shot with an annoying and dated MTV music video style, "Shottas" is noisy, headache-inducing vomit. How dare they compare this throwaway to a masterpiece like "Scarface." I would say more, but I have already wasted enough of my time on this commercial effort to shock the mainstream crowd... What a depressing embarrassment for all involved...
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