Review of The Gift

Star Trek: Voyager: The Gift (1997)
Season 4, Episode 2
Fair well to a favourite character
13 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After gaining an unwilling passenger in the previous episode Janeway must decide what to do with Seven of Nine and defend her decisions against charges of hypocrisy; after all is there any difference between the Borg forcing other species to join their collective and Janeway forcing Seven to remain on Voyager without her connection to the Borg. The captain argues that Seven isn't in a position to make a decision as her Borg implants are controlling her and that she can't decide whether or not to stay on board until her humanity is restored. It isn't just Seven who is having to come to terms with her changing nature; Kes's telepathic powers are increasing to the point where she is able to effect matter at a subatomic level which is danger to the ship and crew.

While there is some action this is first and foremost a character driven episode where we are given an interesting insight to the captain's thinking and the nature of humanity. After three seasons it was a shame to see Kes depart from the series, Jennifer Lien did a good job in the role.
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