Review of Antibodies

Antibodies (2005)
Silence of the Lambs meets Seven meets Bambi
18 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, I've just finished watching the DVD laughing my @ss off, I just can't believe how ridiculous it was§

**SPOILERS** a herd of crappy CGI deer save the day as an act of God symbolising the innocence of one of the characters. They appear out of nowhere in the climax of the movie, causing a WTF?! moment in the audience. Pixar would laugh at them. But even if they used real deer, the scene would still be an awful way to end a thriller.**END SPOILERS**

I can't believe this has a 7.1 rating, and such good reviews. Come on, so much was borrowed from Silence of the Lambs that I thought I was watching an unofficial remake.

Other hilarious moments:

**SPOILERS** Our hero, the married Christian cop is "infected by evil" after chatting with the suspected killer for 5 minutes (evil works fast!), picks up a girl, cheats on his wife, and when the girl asks him to "stick it up my @ss", he obliges, with this loud ominous music on the soundtrack, it's hilarious - anal sex is EVIL!!!! And then there is another laughable scene where a cop suddenly realises what the viewer guessed 15 minutes ago and looks totally shocked by this revelation while driving, priceless. **END SPOILERS**

All in all it was ridiculous but I'm glad I watched it, only for the ending that is so bad you have to see to believe it!
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