A Touch of Frost: Endangered Species (2006)
Season 13, Episode 1
very, very, very disappointing
15 February 2010
It's like a beautiful car without petrol, or a thoroughbred with a limp. A fashion model without elegance. I'm trying to figure out what this episode lacks, but I'm not quite sure. The actors are all there and are fine. But they need direction and editing and most of all a good screenplay. Did veteran Bafta-winning director Roy Battersby have an off-day? Yes, this episode's directed poorly, with scenes going nowhere and leads and details in the investigation that aren't followed up on. ITV-household-name editor David Aspinall had an off-day editing the final scenes and killing all suspense in the process. But the reason for this episode being a complete failure? No doubt; the screenplay by the completely unknown Tony Charles. Who is this man? A search engine will not find a thing. I bet he doesn't exist, that he's Britain's current Alan Smithee. My best guess is that this episode's screenplay was not written by a single person but copied-and-pasted out of a bin-liner with left-over scenes and ideas. "Grey mullet. Avoid at all cost"
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