Review of Luz María

Luz María (1998–1999)
Late 19th Century Peruvian Cinderella. Major soap opera
17 February 2010
Yes, it is true, Latinamericans like telenovelas. However, during the 1990s most of the Mexican productions (the biggest industry) weren't original nor even worth-watching. It is during this time that the Peruvian soap opera industry seemed to get much better, not only with the number of productions; also in their quality.

This is what happens with "Luz María". The plot, an adaptation of Corín Tellados' Lucecita, is strongly based in the Cinderella story. Yet, there are major aspects on the adaptation that make this soap one of the bests of the decade.

First, the story itself has been adapted to the late 19th Century in Lima. Not only the post Chile war is well represented, also the political environment is greatly accurate in the telenovela (the transition from the military governments to the democracy period called the aristocratic republic).

Second, the performers. Colombian Angie Cepeda does a great performance of the innocent young girl that leaves the impoverished home in the Andes in order to work as a maid in a high-class family house in Lima, meeting the man of the house (Peruvian pop singer Christian Maier), and falling in love with him. and here is where problems begin. Excellent performances by Sonia Oquendo, Teddy Guzmán, Mariela Alcalá and Rosalinda Serfaty.

Finally, the production itself is a major accomplishment. Filmed in the Historic Centre of Lima, declared world's heritage by UNESCO, and letting know to the audiences the colonial and early republican extravaganza, the major success of this soap opera helped in the recovering of the Historic Centre, severely damaged by the 1980s guerrilla and terrorism
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