John Carradine??? I love that guy!!
28 February 2010
Enough sarcasm. I suppose it sucks that Carradine is dead and all, and I happen to know for a fact it sucks his boy David is dead, but inserted footage of John Carradine rambling is not what made this movie good. In fact, it was pretty much everything else. That's right, I said it. Demented Death Farm Massacre is a good movie. It's about time somebody said it. By the looks of most of the other reviews, this movie is quite under-appreciated. Well, I appreciate you, Death Farm.

Good? Yes, but certainly not great, as most anyone will figure out within the first minute. A whole lot of awkward acting/dialog makes up this one. Most of the awkwardness is brought to you by two bickering couples, who just recently stole some diamonds. The plan is to hide out in Nowhere, Florida, and move in on some unsuspecting hicks, and use their house for a hideout. A hot little bumpkin chick offers the thieves some shelter, and you guessed it, Southern hospitality. Let's hope her loud-mouth, religious fanatic, moonshine-selling husband is as hospitable. Ol' Harlan turns out to be easygoing enough, that is, until one of the jewel thieves sets his sights on his lady. That, he cannot overlook. In fact, it might be time to dust off the ol' pitchfork. And why the hell not? O'l Harlan just bought her off her pa last week.

Alright, well, maybe "good" was a bit of a stretch. Demented Death Farm Massacre is actually quite terrible, I'll admit that, but I stand by my claim of entertainment value. Oh, it's there. Even if it's just mostly some outlandish fat hick yelling at women, or there's always the acting... or the lack there of. If schlock ain't your cup of tea, then you probably won't find anything this particular Hixploitation epic has to offer to be even remotely appealing. Sounds to me like someone's wasting their time. This surprisingly worthy addition to my collection can be found on the first of seven "Toxie's Triple Terror" set, all of which contain three movies. I was equally shocked as I was delighted to discover that the other two movies on this set, Curse Of The Cannibal Confederates, and Deadly Daphne's Revenge, were every bit as good as this one... well, not exactly good. You know what I mean. 7/10
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