Review of Detour

Detour (2003 Video)
Let the "Hills Have Eyes" Rip-offs Begin!
21 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This copycat bloodbath helmed by S. Lee Taylor (hopefully no relation to R. Dean Taylor) opens with two lovely ladies crossing the desert on the way to their same-sex wedding. (Heavy social relevance here, folks!) They're slashed to death by a killer with a double-hook hand. After the main titles, a horde of young "adults" in an RV blunder into the same area. A geeky gas station owner warns them not to venture further, so guess what they do next. The driver swerves to miss a little girl standing in the road and before you know it, the RV is stranded in Chemically Contaminated Cannibal Country.

Before the hungry homicidal maniacs show up, we're "entertained" by six air-heads whose dopey mannerisms and stupid "tween" vernacular almost had me hitting the Eject button. The "Loopz" character is a white dude who talks like a stereotype black pimp–and manages to insult whites, blacks and pimps in the process. At least the women are knock-outs, and two members of this eye-candy contingent amuse us with insults aimed at each other's boobs and butts.

The mutated murderers mount their assault roughly 40 minutes into the picture. Most of them are marshmallows compared to the original Papa Jupe and his clan, but there are more of them–-more TARGETS in other words!!! Gore set-pieces include stabbing, slashing, impalement, decapitation, pungi stakes through feet and gore-splattering gunshot wounds. One character has a screwdriver rammed into his upper spine–and he still moves afterward. Actual cannibalism is kept to a minimum but oh well, you can't have everything.

To top it all off, the end credits are a real hoot–rife with such monikers as "Cannibal Gargoyle", "LoudMouth Jackass", and "Maggie The Bitch." And for us chronic screen-starers who sit through ALL the credits, there's a juicy tidbit at the end of it all.

This movie doesn't have an original bone in its picked-clean carcass-- but it manages to be entertaining in spite of itself. I only hope that the young folks DETOUR is aimed at re-discover Wes Craven's 1977 THE HILLS HAVE EYES. That movie was a true Terror Classic.
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