Jason, what befell thee?
21 March 2010
The movie is not even worth reviewing, except for the fact that it stars a one-time legitimate actor named Jason London. I know he is pretty much just a pretty boy, but there was a time when he appeared in legit movies. I wonder what happened to him? I can guess, but I dare not say for fear of being sued. Anyhow, the movie is a very bad -- and I mean very bad --- copy of I COME IN PEACE, which was about two enemy aliens duking it out on Earth. In that incredibly silly but fun movie, which starred another has-been, Dolph Lundgren, the aliens at least looked like something from another planet. In this movie, the aliens are an ordinary-looking black guy and someone dressed in what appears to be an ancient aviator outfit. I have seen worse, but not by much. I only watched it for London, who fails to deliver the goods. He reminds me a little of Kyle McLaughlin, another pretty boy who seems unable to act -- at least ever since SHOWGIRLS. Please avoid this one.
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