Decent Documentary
24 March 2010
Hollywood Ghost Stories (1986)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

John Carradine hosts and narrates this mildly entertaining documentary about various hauntings around Hollywood. We get various stories being told including William Peter Blatty talking about a couple strange things that happened during the making of THE EXORCIST. We also have Elke Sommer talking about her haunting house that eventually caught fire like a psychic had told her would happen years earlier. We also get a few other mildly interesting stories as well as countless clips from various horror movies including Dracula, POLTERGEIST, THE EXORCIST, THE TERROR, YOU'LL FIND OUT and others. We also get to hear stories about supposed hunting's of George Reeves, Houdini and Rudolph Valentino. This is a pretty mixed bag because on one hand there are way too many clips from the movies. Sure, some of the movies deal with hauntings but this is a documentary about real hauntings so showing clips from Abbott and Costello and Bowery Boys movies really weren't needed. Another problem is that some of the stories being told are rather boring and this is especially true during the segment on THE EXORCIST. There were some weird things that happened during this film but the story told here by Blatty is pretty flat. Some of the hauntings by the real stars were extremely interesting and it's too bad more of these weren't discussed. We get those who believe and those who are skeptical about such things so at least the documentary tries to show both sides and give them equal time.
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