7 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this film for the first time and I was disappointed. I was expecting more of a "film noir" type of movie. Instead I got a too-complicated plot that made less and less sense as the film went along. And the love angle was far too weak. Robert Mitchum goes to Stockholm, meats a girl, and less than 24 hours later she is madly in love with him, and the film makes scant effort to explain why.

Basically the plot involves the blackmail of men who were closet supporters of Hitler. But after the demise of the Third Reich one could assume that uncovering their identities would take on less importance, but if that were the case then there would be no movie.

This movie is spy vs. Spy vs. Spy, with good guys appearing as bad guys, and so forth. It's been done many time before and in much better ways, such as The Third Man.
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