The Simpsons: Coming to Homerica (2009)
Season 20, Episode 21
Episodes like this remind us what is so great about 'The Simpsons'.
13 April 2010
This episode was impeccable, I really thought it was one of the best in the show's history.

The story starts when Krusty is forced to bring out a more healthy burger in his fast-food chains, so he begins to sell 'The Mother Nature Burger' with vegetables. The vegetables, which come from Norwegian farmers in Ogdenville, make several people ill and the workers are out of business. Seeking for work, they move to Springfield and soon the town is full of immigrants and the towns people have had enough.

I can relate to this episode a lot, due to the Polish migrants moving into the UK, where I live.

I loved this episode and laughed harder than I have in a long time at 'The Simpsons'. A real eye-opener!

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