Lost: The Glass Ballerina (2006)
Season 3, Episode 2
solid episode
22 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Island Plot:. Sayid's plan to rescue Jack, Kate and Sawyer puts himself, Jin and Sun in danger. Kate and Sawyer are put to work by the Others.

Flashback: After finding out about Sun's affair with her English tutor, Mr. Paik orders Jin to kill him.

This episode was a bit of a letdown after the season premiere but still good in its own right. Jin and Sun flashbacks aren't my favorite but I still like them better than some fans do, and this is one of their better ones. The revelation that Sun had cheated on Jin added a new layer to her character. It also, of course, put into question the paternity of her unborn child. The scenes with Jin, Sun and Sayid are well played but not all together memorable.

Much better are the Scenes with Kate and Sawyer doing hard labor. Sawyer tries to test the metal of his captors and finds the only serious threat is Juliet. The brief scene with Kate Sawyer and Juliet is even more interesting now looking back and knowing the future of these characters.

Still the episode was stolen by the great Michael Emerson whose character Ben finally introduces himself to Jack and the audience. Emerson can turn even the cheesiest of lines into gold and he excels in this episode. All told a average episode with some good moments but nothing special. Still for fans waiting to find out what happened to the people in the hatch at the end of season 2, they would have to wait one more episode to learn their fate. Which at the time was more frustrating than you can imagine.

Favorite moment – Ben's chat with Jack at the end.
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