With A Message To The Marketing People.
23 April 2010
A few months ago I put my name down for a preview of "I Love You Phillip Morris" I RSVP with plenty of time but the day before the screening I was called and informed that they had overbooked so I was dropped off. Strange I thought because some people I know had RSVP'd much later than me and they were included in the screening. Why? Because I was born in 1940 and the other were people in their 30's. One of them took me has his guest and surprise, surprise I was the one who loved the movie and has become since then a promoter of the film, so much so that people call me, me! to ask me "Do you know when it will be released? I have to tell the marketing experts that they got the age thing completely wrong and discrimination of this kind doesn't serve the film very well at all. Now, that out of the way, let me talk about this extraordinary film. A true story no less. A con-man searching for love and a romance like no other. Jim Carrey is superb and I bet that, if producers and distributors resolve their nonsense, he'll be a strong contender at the Oscars 2011. He injects his character with the kind of truth I hadn't seen before in a Jim Carrey performance. Much more than in "Man On The Moon" or "The Truman Show" The character allows him to be the great funny man that he is and at the same time there are layers and layers of new inedited brilliance. And if that wasn't enough, Ewan McGregor! A masterful portrayal of someone finding love in the most unexpected man in the most unexpected place. The scene of them falling in love has become one of my favorites. Now, you marketing people, will you let me in next time?
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