Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Bar Association (1996)
Season 4, Episode 15
Rom quotes Marx
2 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After Rom collapses at work Dr. Bashir is shocked to learn that he has had an ear infection for three weeks but couldn't come to the surgery earlier due to Quark's harsh working conditions, as Rom leaves the doctor jokingly says he should start a union. As the bar's profits fall due to the Bajoran festival of cleansing Quark decides that he must cut the wages of all his employees. Remembering what Julian said earlier Rom decides to start a union to fight for better pay and conditions. Quark refuses to give in to their demands and soon his workers are all on strike. It isn't long before Liquidator Brunt arrives on the scene to do what is necessary to break the strike including giving a severe beating to the person closest to Rom... namely Quark. Quark isn't the only one having a hard time, Worf is finding life on the station rather frustrating and after a his quarters are robbed he decides to move off the station and live on the Defiant.

While not the greatest episode this wasn't bad and was the first to hint that something might happen between Rom and dabo girl Leeta, even though she is dating the doctor. The secondary story is quite entertaining; watching Worf get irritated is more amusing than an industrial dispute.
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