13 June 2010
As soon as it started and heard the opening dialogue, I got a bad feeling. Not much of what happened the beginning of the show grasped my interest, and up to the end I realized, it never did. I actually guessed the torture scene with Britney Spear's "I did it Again" song. It gave me chills, to predict such a lame attempt at mocking someone. Last time I viewed a reference to someone being tortured to Britney Spears music was YEARS ago, where kids voicing a flash animated show did the EXACT same thing this show did. "How could it be?" ... I asked myself in disbelief.

I watched the whole thing. I always give shows a chance, especially when 2 people in it I am a fan of(specifically Kurtwood Smith and Patton Oswalt). But, it didn't help. I admit I uttered laughter at ONE line Kurtwood Smith's character said at ONE point. And the rest was just terrible. Too slow, not interesting, and lame references back and forth. I have never sat trough a show and feel shame/embarrassment just for watching it. This was me most of the show(confused facial expression) --> 0-o' . Maybe it's just the 1st episode that completely lacks interesting characters, dialogue, story, fails landing jokes and in more than one instance, is highly predictable. That said, I believe my last sentence is me being overly generous and optimistic.

This show sucked, and it was amazing how much so it did.
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