Talk about the pot calling the kettle black: this "documentary" spins more than a dreidle.
6 July 2010
War, war, what is it good for... Sing it again. Yeah.

Oh, boy.

I have a nagging doubt that the Left doesn't really grasp the concept of war at all, or how it relates to humankind, politics, psychology, and just about everything else. The Left has an almost embarrassing way of over-simplifying every single complex issue (while over-complicating the very simple, straight-forward ones), and this they display in abundant quantities in this goofy attempt at a "documentary".

But it's interesting that as anti-war as they (allegedly) are, they would never complain if Hugo Chavez or any other Left-wing idol of theirs started a war. War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!... Except if it's a conflict initiated by Marxist rebels. Then it's a "good war". This is when killing becomes "necessary" and "acceptable".

War! What is it good for? Absolutely everything - like killing Imperialist Capitalist Western swine! Sing it again... Yeah.

On a serious note, with a title like this, the Left have once again prevented one of their numerous propaganda films from reaching those whom they wish to convert. As it is, the only people who saw this film were the already converted (i.e. brainwashed). As far as I know, propaganda films are not judged by how they were made - but by how many people of differing views they can reach.

Nice try, but no cigar - yet again.

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