The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
A guilty pleasure maybe but a pleasure nevertheless
7 July 2010
I can't remember how the show hooked me in but I have watched every episode on ITV2 since the show was aired and even bought the books, and like a previous correspondent I am not a teen but a 29 year old and a male!

I suppose the almost unnatural beauty of Nina Dobrev drew me to the show but the plot and unseen twists and turns made the show compulsive viewing for the first 6 months of this year, to such an extent that I found myself scanning the net to find the latest US screened episode as much hunger for the show grew.

Only recently have I read the books and, with all due respect to L J Smith, my perception of the TV show has improved. Without writing a book review I felt the series did not develop the characters to any level that the show achieved. The show develops the relationships between all of the main characters in a manner that the book can only dream of, and for me, despite the constant attention to the Stefan and Elana relationship, the show is about the brothers.

I do not do preachy, after all I am English, but I would say that the show grips my interest because of the brotherly relationship. The way the brothers value one and other more than themselves and anyone else, numerous examples throughout the show, is something I shall instill in my two sons and hope one day that the Stevenson brothers will be exactly the same as the Salvatore brothers, maybe except for the blood sucking but if they both can attract girls like Elena I will be a very conflicted father! :) All in all, for my money, the best show on TV since the early days of Buffy and like many others...roll on September.

Thank you for listening to my ramblings, first post (I'm sure the red wine had something to do with it) so please be nice.
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