Van Damme on a Camcorder Budget
12 July 2010
When his partner is killed by an Australian crime syndicate, a studly undercover agent goes vigilante to avenge her death while the Australian authorities try to keep him on a leash so that they can nab the syndicate's ringleader.

"Day of the Panther" is a Van Damme rip off that looks like it was filmed on someone's video camera, but it does have its merits, chiefly among them that it's never boring. It's a hoot to see the 1980s revived in all their pastel splendor, and there's enough unintentional hilarity to keep lovers of bad movies watching.

The fight scenes are choreographed competently if unmemorably and will most likely satisfy your craving for some martial arts sleight of hand. Unfortunately, if you're looking for a little skin, you won't find it in this movie, unless you count that of our hero, who spends much of his screen time shirtless. The rest of us have to make do with a couple of aerobic dance numbers performed by the female lead, one of them, a seductive dance done in a gym while our hero works out and looks on, a real howler.

Grade: B-
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