Shitemare City
18 July 2010
Having just finished watching this piece of total dreck, I felt it completely necessary to write a damning review of it. A review as disjointed as the film itself.

Listing everything this film did wrong would be almost as mind-numbing as the genuine article, and therein the first problem lies. It's absolutely BORING. Set-pieces featuring shoddily made-up ghouls knifing stupid victims are repeated ad-infinitum, and I can't believe I'm even saying that as if it's a bad thing. The characters are unbelievably dull,the plot is total dross and the gore is generally mediocre, with a few exceptions nearer the end. I'm easily pleased, and the aforementioned gore shots would normally have swayed my caustic opinion were they in any other film. However, even as I was temporarily elated, my hatred for the 'film' was nowhere near neutralised.

Yes, you come to a film such as Nightmare City expecting not high art, but B-movie violence, bloodshed and laughs; as a genre fan I appreciate this. I love, for example, Zombi III/ Zombie Flesh Eaters 2, even if it is widely slated. Zombie Lake and Zombie Nosh, again, perfectly acceptable trashfests. Lack of plot or bad acting should never be a deterrent as long as the film entertains. Nightmare City is a chief offender in the plot and acting stakes, but the fact that it just plain totally sucks is why I hated it.

NOTE: Any problems or inconsistencies with this review can be attributed to the utter brain-rot I have just endured.
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