Beeswax (2009)
The worst movie I have ever seen
18 July 2010
I have never been so awkward for 100 odd minutes in my life. The dialog was pointless, there was no story and the characters were not interesting at all.

Most scenes I was pressing up against the cinema chairs so hard in an awkward squirm I think I may have bent them.

The film revolves around flighty no-hopers that you can only feel sorry for. Otherwise, they were so annoying and agonising, I just felt like clawing my eyeballs out with a spoon.

I understand this was an alternative film. And I guess a pointless, boring and frustrating film is alternative. But it was by no means enjoyable.

Best quote I heard after the film "Eh? I don't get it", "Come on I'll explain on the ferry, hurry up I don't want to miss it. This night has been enough of a disaster already".

Thanks to the NZ international film festival for wasting 2 hours of my life. Pretty disappointing.
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