Review of Inception

Inception (2010)
Go see the movie, will ya
19 July 2010
I had really really high expectations for this movie. Nolan's previous original plot movie "Memento" is one of my favorite movies. This movie is great and entertaining, the special effects are Matrix-worthy and are visually stunning. The idea of entering dreams and reality is pretty unique, however, the point of the movie "reality vs. dreams", is not new by any means. Conceptually, this movie is a mix of Memento/Matrix/Brasil. As far as DeCaprio's performance is concerned, I find it a bit weird that this is the second movie where he is playing a "widower stricken with guilt over his wife's death, for which he is indirectly responsible", first movie is Shutter Island. Hopefully, that doesn't mean that he is turning into 1 trick pony. With everything said above, this movie is worth seeing in the movie theater, you will be sucked in into the world of dreams and special effects for a little over 2 hours and will be wildly entertained.
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