It Should Be Seen...
26 July 2010
...because of ANNA MAE WONG!!!

Typically tight (65") WARNER BROTHERS' mystery 'B' programmer that was churned out from the 1930s' till the mid 1950s', when T.V. took over. This story is wrapped up in the 'pseudo science' of Astrology. Which each character is given a sign and a sub-plot of the Zodiac. It starts off with the 'horoscope' of Nita Kenton (Lola Lane/Cancer) whose character disappears after the proclamation of doom for Philip Corey (James Stephenson/Libra). The rest of the story weaves around his murder and how it is deciphered by Mei Lei Ming (Anna Mae Wong/Aquarius) and her astrological expertise.

Though billed second after Margaret Lindsay (Doris Kane/Leo) it is ANNA MAE WONG that drives this story. Ms. Wong gives her usual professional performance dominating every scene she is in. Unfortunately like most of her Hollywood productions of this time it is in a 'B' effort. Most of her more accomplished efforts having been done earlier or in England/Europe. This was because of the racial discrimination of the time. Today her career would have had a entirely different course.

Due to how Chinese or Oriental characters where portrayed at that time Ms. Wong appeared in what was considered traditional dress. While all other characters appeared in period apparel. It would have been better if she had been shown off in some of the 'chic' fashions she normally wore. There is no doubt of her physical appeal, Ms. Wong being strikingly attractive.

For those who have not seen Ms. Wong this is a good start, but do not stop here. See her early work like THE THIEF OF BAGDAD (1924), PICADILLY (1929) or the SHANGHEI EXPRESS (1933). She is a wonder to behold.
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