Spaced Invaders
26 July 2010
Ever see a movie you loved watching as a kid and watch it again about ten years later and think why the heck you watched it to begin with? Their are so many of those movies out their like that for me but the movie that comes to mind the most is a movie called Spaced Invaders.Spaced Invaders is a somewhat children's movie rated PG from the early 90's about pot smoking aliens (ok maybe the aliens weren't smoking anything but the producer who financed this movie must have been) because the aliens acted like 80's California surfers then actual menacing scary creatures trying to take over earth.The aliens crash land on earth Halloween night and are originally supposed to take over the world instead they get mistaken for children in costumes and start joining in on all the Halloween mischief while still trying to find pieces to fix their ship to leave.

Very much a cheesy midnight type movie but still loved all the wackyness and had to rent this all the time when I was a kid and I rented it every chance I could. The best part about being a kid is never noticing how much a movie is crummy and a lot that you watched were. So just for nostalgic factor ill give this movie three blond surfer dudes out of five. See this one only if you enjoy 80's valley girl aliens stuck in an early 90's Halloween.
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