Anna Kendrick Stole the show
2 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
ROCKET SCIENCE – CATCH IT ( B+ ) I have heard about Rocket Science when it got release in 2007. The movie generated a massive buzz among the critics though its sad that the movie did do much business at the Box office, now in 2O1O, I was eager to watch it just because of "Anna Kendrick". I adored Anna in Twilight as the spontaneous mean "Jessica" and then movie Up in the Air came Along and she shocked everyone by giving super performance in front of George Clooney and Vera Farmiga. So, then I heard Jason's Interview that he wanted to Cast Anna ever since he saw Rocket Science. Then Bang, again Rocket Science came into my head. Though after lot of struggle I was able to find it and finally last night I saw it. I was blown away with the subject matter they were discusses; it was like movie ELECTION with much more matureness in it. The movie is really entertaining and got R-rating because teen smoking & drinking and some crude dialogues. Again I was blown away with Anna Kendrick and I'm happy that finally she got her due and is now considered as one of the promising faces in Hollywood. She was incredible, every single scene she came in to, she stole it. She was fierce, bold, mean and above all Superbly Sharpe. I've never seen someone saying the lines so fast as the script required it must of have got lot of training to nail it. The second best performance was by Nicholas D'Agosto, he was incredible, charming and super cute. His acting was quite refreshing and proves that this guy is really talented though I'm stunned that now he played teenager 10 years ago in ELECTION and now after 9yrs again he played teenager he played teenager in Rocket Science. That's incredible that in age 30 he still looks like a 16 yrs old teenager. The lead actor "Reece Thompson" as a shuddered Boy acted really well but to be honest in front of Anna and Nicholas he was lost. In the end it's a treat to watch a smart movie though I wished the ending should have been more satisfying because it just didn't work for me at all. We always want looser to be champions or at least gets the chance to be champions. Over all a great movie, watch it because of unique script and incredible performances by young actors.
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