Dirty Deeds (2005)
6 August 2010
There's nothing much to say about this one - no point, no reason, no entertainment. The premise is OK, but it gets boring after about the second deed and there is ten of them so do the math... All characters are very underdeveloped and you literally know nothing about them, you think that American pie knock-offs(and if you think it's not a knock off you seriously need to see a doctor, because it makes that crystal clear from the first minute of the movie) would get at least the basics right, but this one fails even at that. There's some weird thing going on with the nudity in this movie where in some parts it acts like it's PG-13 and in other ones - a big red R, I didn't get that at all, my guess is that something probably got mixed up during the editing... The message near the ending is horrible and idiotic too.

So skip this worthless mess of a film, go re-watch American pie, hell, re-watch Porkys while you at it, seriously, there's no comedy to be found in this one, guys, JUST SKIP IT.
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