Smallville: Odyssey (2008)
Season 8, Episode 1
My, how the Fall of a Fortress can change things
19 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The eighth season starts off with a bang with the episode 'Odyssey.' Three prominent members of the Justice League travel to the Arctic to locate Clark Kent, who disppeared with Lex Luthor after they had privately dueled in Kal-El's training ground of the Fortress of Solitude, which prefaced the Fortresses' collapse. A new CEO, Cassidy Freeman, obsessed with finding Mr. Luthor once again, startles the LuthorCorp franchise. And Chloe's abilities of knowledge are used in a way that she is most uncomfortable. The greatest element of this episode, for me, was the presence of the Justice League, and of the creative way to restore powers that Clark had lost with the fall of the Fortress. Cassidy Freeman stands a tall order to replace Michael Rosenbaum as the show's primary villain, but she had the dark and powerful aura that Rosenbaum was able to hold. We will see if she can maintain it. The only aspect of the episode that left me wondering is why, and how, did Chloe Sullivan lose her power of healing.
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