Monte Carlo (1930)
I agree with mgmax, this is a rare Lubitsch dud...
19 August 2010
In the 1930s and 40s, the German comedian/director Ernst Lubitsch came to Hollywood and made a succession of wonderful movies--movies that had such artistry that they were said to have 'the Lubitsch touch'. However, despite marvelous films like "The Smiling Lieutenant", "Trouble in Paradise" and "Ninotchka", he did make an occasional dud--as "Monte Carlo" is a very tough film to enjoy. There are many reasons the film fails--though Lubitsch's direction and style is still a plus in this movie--it is lovely to look at and is a pretty movie. But, there are so many problems that mar anyone enjoying it--especially here in the 21st century. The biggest problem is perhaps the singing. While Jeanette MacDonald was a huge star in her day, her songs in this film are just dreadful and there is just too much singing--and not the cute or pleasant singing but warbling that hurts your ears. The other problems are the male leads. Claud Allister is cast as Jeanette's fiancé--but he appears to be a homosexual and the idea of their marriage seems ridiculous. So of course Jeanette breaks the engagement--but the idea of there even being an engagement in the first place makes no sense. As for the main male lead, Jack Buchanan, he simply is a dull looking man who seems like he isn't up to the task of playing a romantic male lead. Mgmax's review compared his looks to Paul Muni (not exactly romantic leading man material) and I would say that this is true--but Buchanan is even less suited for this sort of role. And finally, the whole plot about a penniless lady living above her means and trying to find a way out of her financial difficulties is hard to enjoy--and Jeanette just seems, at times, shallow--particularly when this was made during the Depression. Trials and tribulations of a pampered countess who wants to find a rich husband is a plot who probably found little resonance with the audiences of the day! Overall, while the film has moments, the overall package isn't particularly enjoyable and seems easy to skip. You just wouldn't expect that from one of Lubitsch's American films...but it's true.
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