Review of Beacon77

Beacon77 (2009)
Absolute pants!
26 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Quite possibly the worst film I've ever seen. An hour and a half of my life I won't see again. Having paid to watch this dross on Sky Box Office I was not happy at all. The synopsis sounded amazing - British Spooky Chiller, erm were was all the spooky chills. All this was was a cheap, nasty little gore fest with petulant teenage type females arguing and seeing how many times they could use the F word. It became wearing after a while and shows just how lazy the writers are. You don't need to litter a movie with F*** every five seconds and you need to have a believable story. All that going on in a penthouse in a seedy run down block of flats in London and no-one notices - come on! I wondered what the people in the flat below them were thinking as noise travels in flats so all that idiot nonsense would have been heard, the police would have been called especially with all the screaming Zoe was doing - there was a character that you wanted to slap to shut up her incessant complaining, ranting, screaming and shouting. Not one of the characters made you want to invest in them, their story or their fate, it was a cheap, crappy, lazy tripefest of a movie and if this is what The British Film Council is actively encouraging then its no wonder it's being disbanded.

Kelly Adams of Hustle fame needs to choose her roles more carefully in future; this crap will do nothing to further her career if she leaves that show.

What a complete and utter waste of time and money, I absolutely detest rubbish like this, advertised as one thing and is totally the opposite. Lazy and ineffectual writers should be told to go back to school and learn their trade PROPERLY, not have money thrown at them to go away and make rubbish. The more that happens the more rubbish movies like this we can expect to see.

All in all this was F****** Sh*t, just like they kept saying all the way through the movie. Appalling, abysmal waste of time and money.
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