Group Sex (2010 Video)
Comedy? Well....
4 September 2010
Alright, well I had expected this to be just another one of the endless teenage college comedies, but this movie was far from that. I would say it is more like a mature odd-romantic story.

The story was actually quite alright, and it was easy to get immersed into the storyline and relate to the characters. Not saying that I have a sex problem, haha... But what I mean is that the characters were so nicely chiseled out and portrayed that you immediately felt for them and came to grow with them.

As the for cast, well there was a lot of really nice performances here. Both from the lead and supporting cast. And they all worked very well together, making the movie work as a whole.

The movie is labeled as a "comedy", but I didn't really laugh throughout the entire movie. The movie did manage to make me smile once in awhile, though. But don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this is a crappy movie. It was just wrongfully labeled in my opinion. The movie works great for what it is.

Actually "Group Sex" is a movie that you should sit down and watch, because it is a nice and captivating story. Not one that will stick with you for the rest of your life, but still good enough to keep you entertained for an hour and a half.
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