This is not the movie you think it is
16 September 2010
It's a largely forgotten 90's horror flick, starring no one you've ever heard of or are likely to hear of again. It has the requisite boobs and gore, probably went straight to DVD, and it's the sequel to a truly awful film that no one liked. You know pretty much what to expect from this one, right? Think again. Against all odds, this is one of the most inventive and bizarre horror films I've ever seen. From breasts that turn into grasping hands, rape by lipstick and a decapitated body that stumbles blindly around, to badass nuns with party balloons filled with holy water, this movie takes you to places you never thought you'd go. The plot is more or less by the numbers, but the characterization is well done and believable, the acting is on a decent level, and the whole thing is much more entertaining than it has any right to be.

Admittedly, there's a LOT of set-up to get to the good parts - the whole first half of the movie is splatter-free, apart from a couple of door-to-door evangelists who meet a sticky end. But once the movie does get going, it's full of wit, invention and, yes, frightening scenes. This is how you do low-budget horror.
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