$#*! My Dad Says (2010–2011)
Where there's a Shatner...
27 September 2010
....There is DEFNINITELY potential, no matter how mediocre the writing, or the rest of the cast may be. I can't believe that people are so against this stuff. It's meant to be a little off-the- wall, as the title suggests, and that's pretty awesome compared to the usual, run-of-the-mill sitcoms you see these days. "Two and a HAlf Men" and "The Office" seem to be the only sitcoms that survive these ridiculous times on TV anyway, so why not give it a chance.

For starters, there is a pretty simple, perhaps even familiar, but all the same enjoyable story of a young man who, under certain circumstances, must bunk with his crazy dad for a while. Not so complicated, yes? Then there is the conflict of his father (always remarkably entertaining Shatner) as an emotionally rejective man with eccentricities up the wahzoo! A man who will not allow this to come to pass easily. Still, all i takes is a little heart and soul to connect mishapped father and son, and that's what happens to heal the story in the pilot.

NOW, it's what might come next that I am EXCITEDabout (should the show last, and I hope it does).

The cast member, other than Shatner of course vary in different areas. The lead man opposite the Shatman, Jonathan Sadowski, has some talent to burn, but he's got a lot to learn about holding his own, especially against seasoned actors like Shatner. That does not mean he's bad, in fact, he carries a great deal of miscommunication and generations gaps quite well. That shows much promise. Will Sasso and Nicole Sullivan need serious work. they're synthetically injected for background comedy that will grow tiresome in a while unless some more importance use is made for them. Tim Bagly of "Will and Grace" fame is, as usual,. on the mark with comedic timing and character support. His involvement will definitely help. as well.

What can I say, it wasn't perfect, but I really liked it and hope it succeeds. With any luck it will. There is always room for improvement, and I think with the write TLC, it will. Shatner's "Ed Goodson" ain't no Denny Crane", but he's sure crazy enough to carry a fun show for a couple of years, so hats-off to that, and may this show succeed!!!
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