Review of Deep Valley

Deep Valley (1947)
Deep in my heart there's a story untold
28 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Powerful drama of forbidden love that leads to disaster to those two unfortunate souls involve in it. 22 year old Libby Saul,Ida Lupino, has had it rough all her life living in a severally dysfunctional family with her mom & pop Elie & Cliff Saul, Fay Bainter & Henry Hull haven't spoken much less seen, she lived upstairs and he downstairs, each other in years. This caused Libby to become very introverted as well as developed a severe speech impediment that caused her to stutter her words.

It's when Libby got unloved with escaped convict Barry Brunett, Dane Clark, that her life turned around for the better. But that didn't last for to long as the movie unfolded. Barry escaping from a San Quentin work gang run into Libby when she was together with her dog Joe hanging out at her secret hideout in the woods, an abandoned log cabin, after she ran away from home. Libby just about had it in her not being ale to take her parents non-stop bickering any longer.

At first only looking to make it to freedom, in far off San Francisco, Barry fell in love with Libby because she was the only person who really understood him. Libby saw in Barry much of herself in how he got a raw deal in life by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's when Barry, dead drunk and not knowing where he was at, was attested by the police in an armed robbery of a jewelry store where the owner was found shot and beaten to death. Hiding Barry from the sheriff's posse Libby soon realized that Barry was not the sweet and kind person that she at first thought that he was. That's by Barry going off the handle at the slightest fear that entered his mixed up and confused skull.Even to he point of almost decapitating Libby when she unexpectedly showed up at his now new secret hideout at the her parents barn.

In fact it was the man who was in charge of the work gang that Barry was a member of all American and war hero in real life as well as in the movie Jeff Baker played by Wayne Morris, who shot down 7 Jap Zero's in the war, came on he scene that things started getting a little sticky for the two of them. You see Jeff like Barry was nuts about Libby who by now overcame her stuttering and by prettying up herself started to look like a movie star and wanted to marry her!

***SPOILERS*** This all lead to all kinds complications in Libby's relationship with Barry who, being the violent and crazy guy that he was, resorted to type by blowing his big chance of not only winning Libby over but her parents who really had no use for the guy as well! THe movie ends a lot like Ida Lupino's previous 1941 gangster film with Humprey Bogart, as Mad Dog Earl, with Barry getting gunned down by members of the sheriff' posse when he's trapped in the mountains and ending up dying in Libby's arms. At least as Barry now knowing that it will soon be all over for him said when he was just about to kick off for good that they, the law, wont have me Barry Brunett to kick around anymore!
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